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Competing with AI: Overcoming Input Bias with Psychology

Welcome to Creator Columns, your go-to source for expert insights on thriving in the evolving digital landscape. Today, we’re diving into the intriguing world of input bias and AI in marketing. Here, we explore how psychology provides insights into competing with AI, which might just be the best marketer in today’s tech-driven world.

In the book The Coming Wave, Mustafa Suleyman imagines a future where AI could autonomously launch successful businesses. Imagine issuing a command like, “Generate $1 million in revenue on Amazon using a $100,000 investment.” According to Suleyman, AI would identify lucrative trends, visualize products, and connect with manufacturers seamlessly.

AI could potentially automate all communications and iterations in the marketing process, constantly refining products based on user feedback. This advanced capability highlights the potential redundancy of human roles in marketing. The question we must ask is: why hire traditional marketers when AI can significantly outperform them?

Staying Relevant: Winning with Input Bias

To retain relevance in our professions, understanding ‘input bias’ can be invaluable. This psychological concept, as detailed by Nancy Harhut in her book Using Behavioural Science in Marketing, reveals that consumers often perceive more effort as indicative of superior quality.

As a simple illustration, individuals perceive the same meal as more delicious when created with traditional methods rather than by machines. This preference for effort extends to many aspects of consumer choice. Research indicates that customer interest spikes by 60% when they view the inner workings of a production process (source).

input bias representation in marketing

Beyond this academic insight, practical examples showcase the power of input bias. For instance, revealing the effort behind a podcast increases listener engagement by up to 45%. The key takeaway for marketers is clear: emphasize the human effort and dedication invested in your products. Highlight the stories of craft, hours, and dedication to make your brand stand out from AI-crafted alternatives.

Mastering the Race Against AI in Marketing

Reflecting on AI advancements, one might feel daunted by potential digital adversaries like Meta’s AI, Cicero. Built for strategic deception and manipulation in games, Cicero can easily transfer skills to marketing contexts, creating persuasive and strategic promotional content. However, there’s a distinct element that AI lacks: human effort and the perception of genuine endeavor.

Emphasizing this human aspect can shape consumer preference. Highlight the meticulous labor and passion poured into your products and services. Educate your audiences about the creative processes, thereby distinguishing your work from AI-generated alternatives. This method enhances the perceived value of your offerings in the eyes of consumers.

The marketing domain will continue evolving with more sophisticated AI, much like Cicero. Employing input bias, however, can help marketers maintain an edge over technology. This tactic preserves job relevance in the face of rapid technological progression. Showcase authenticity, effort, and dedication in every campaign.

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